Class 5- Marshall Mcluhan (The medium is the message)
We spend this weeks lesson discussing and learning about McLuhan theories into technology and how they impact our lives. McLuhan believed that the "The medium is the message" this flips the normal belief that the message holds a higher importance than the medium, in which it is portrayed on. Mcluhan views the medium as more than a way of portraying a message. McLuhan renders the message useless to the medium and the impact it has on us as a society.
McLuhan theory about the medium being the message changed the way I thought about technology and the impact it has on us as a society. When McLuhan wrote this theory he was referencing to the television and radio in the 20th century. As we process further into another century, technology improves and the way it impacts us changes too. Over the last few years we have become more of Global village compared to the medium McLuhan was talking about. The introduction of the internet lead to many different forms of connecting to the wider world. With the introduction of the internet, social media and smartphones McLuhan message has become more crucial in this day and age. This is why I have begun to agree with McLuhan and his theory into technology.
Technology has many positive and negative effects on our lives. Technology has become an extension of ourselves. We cannot survive without our phones on a daily bases, we use it for very mundane things such as listing to music on a journey, finding information to contacting people from all over the world. Due to the fact that technology has become an extension of ourselves it negatively affects us as human beings in ways such as our sleeping patterns, our views ourselves and others and our views of the world.
The internet gives us a huge amount of access to information to explain our knowledge, which is a huge positive. As we discussed in class this can also be a negative impact because we don't go out to libraries to find the information, it's in front of users within seconds. With the addition of the internet, this brought about social media and everything positive, negative that comes along with it. Social media leaves you open to a lot of negative and positive outcomes. Social media gives people the opportunity to change their message which solidifies McLuhn theory and makes the message even more pointless.
Posted 7/11/2019
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