Class 6- Progress Group Project

Our whole group hasn’t met in person or on second life, but we have discussed the group project in a Facebook group chat we make a few weeks ago. We first decided we would break down the reading that came along with the brief, between each of us and we would meet and discuss our views and opinions. Well doing this in the group chat we have decided what the title and theme of the project will be and what each member is giving a task to complete.

One of my fellow teammates got in contact with other people who have completed the course and they discussed the previews projects and how past years found it best to complete the task. By doing this She gained a better inside into the group project and this hugely benefited the group by, giving us some guidance’s into picking a theme. With our knowledge about previous years, we began discussing what theme we would pick. In the Facebook group, we discussed many different themes we could research, but one stood out to us and this was the impact of technology.

I feel this topic is very relevant to us in this current time and it relates to many of the class discussion, in particular when we discussed Marshall McLuhan’s beliefs the medium is the message. During this class, we discussed and read about how technology impacts us, and we still don’t know how it will impact us at a later stage. Our reading and class dissection into the medium is the message will hugely benefit into our research into technology and how it affects us.

We brake the research into sections, so we all have a little bit to complete. This means that everyone has an equal amount of work to complete. We also decided we would make a google drive so the whole group could have access to all the materials for the presentation. Creating a google drive made connected with our teammates even easier and it is another form of accessing everyone’s information they provided into the topic. Completing this project thought these many platforms heavily relates to many class discussions on technology.
Posted 20/11/2019


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