
Showing posts from December, 2019

Class 10- Content Produser

This week in class we discussed content production and our trip to virtual ability island. We also discussed AL and the future of technology in this class. This class was kind of hard to follow along with but that may because you might need to go over the material a few times to understand it. Overall the discussion about AI was very interesting and something I will continue to learn about. AI means artificial intelligence, these are computers design my us to be lesser versions of us in some ways. This discussion reminded of this girl my friend was telling me about. She is an Instagram influencer, who looks so lifelike but something is off about her. Many people were confused to the fact that she may a robot or does she just heavily photoshop her pictures. This was a question left unanswered for many years. In reality, she came out and said she is a robot. She claims she was being programmed to be a health care companion for young children but she was programmed for something much...

Class 11-Warning

In class this week we discussed the effected we are having on the plant and we also discussed Greta Thunberg view and how she speaks out for us to solve the problem. As humans, we are hugely destroying the plant and many of the animals that share the same home as us. Over the years we have hugely damaged the plant and are running out of time to fix our mistake. We need to make a change sooner rather than later. The amount of plastic we use daily is astronomical. Its simple changes that will cut down the amount of wasted plastic. Small changes can make a huge difference, such as using reusable cups and bottles makes a huge difference. Many people don't want to change and some don't even believe this is happening. The ocean levels are rising because of our overuse of fossil fuals. If we don't make a change fast it will be too late for the people that come before us. Greta Thunberg is a perfect example of someone speaking put and taking action, the young people are our ...

Class 7-Online Communities and Relationships

In today's class, we visited virtual abilities Island. This is an online community where people with disability have a place to be creative, connected with other people and get support from one another. Gentle Heron is the founder of virtual disability island and she first, begin explaining how the community works with the use of words and her microphone. She types while she speaks because this helps deaf people to feel included in the community. Gentle Heron talked about how the community is run, what they do there and what virtual abilities island is. After speaking to Gentle Heron we began hearing from other residents of virtual ability island. Talking to these residents gave me a better understanding of what they do on the island and how it has benefited there lives. Virtual abilities island has hugely benefited these peoples lives, it gave them support and a place to be themselves. Learning about how the being apart of this virtual ability community has brought so ma...

Class 8- Walking away????

Omelas was a kind utopia were at face value everything was perfect at face value. On paper, Omelas is a picture-perfect world and is very appealing until you hear the darkness behind the picture-perfect world of Omelas. The darkness hangs around the town of Omelas like a dark cloud. Omelas was written during world war 2 and it seems to be relevant to today's world. The people of Omelas knowingly have left a young child in the closet, away from daylight, people and left to sit in your faeces I feel like my characters would leave Omelas after learning about the darkness behind it. You are sacrificing the lives of one young child for the lives of the many to have a perfect unblemished world. This relates to the way we live now. As we discussed in class, We use a lot of child labour products to cut cost for things such as makeup, technology, clothing and many more. In a way, it's the same thing the people of Omelas are doing by leaving the young child unclothed and trapped in...

Class 8- Update on Group Project

Over the last few weeks, the yellow group have decided what topic to research, what rolls everyone was doing and how we would approach the project in general. In the last blog post, I discussed the theme we decided on as a group and how we make a google drive. As a group, we decided to look into technology as a whole and how it affected us thought the years. I feel this topic hugely relates to the course and the knowledge we have gained from the course will hugely benefit our research. Once we picked our topic we broke the research into section such as opening and conclusion, past present and future. Since there is four of us in a group, someone was designated with the job of the opening and conclusion and because they didn't do as much research like the rest of the group, they began gathering picture and putting some of the powerpoint together. While the rest of the group focused on a pictorially heading such as "past" and began researching and collecting imag...

Class 6- Virtual Identities

Your virtual identity is a picture you paint to the world. As discussed in class, your virtual identity is chosen by you and there are many ways to portray your virtual identity and it many changing depending on the social media platform. If you are using a professional plate- form, you portray yourself differently than on Facebook or Instagram.  As you grow older your view of social media and the internet changes. Your virtual identity grows with, when you are younger you use games like club penguin and star doll, were you create this persona thought a charter. Now in some ways you are still creating this persona but rather then protecting the persona as a character, it's your life and what you want people to see. Now we only show the good things in our life. When we are younger our persona was completely different to how it is now. That, maybe because our view of the internet changes, how Technology advances changes and we mature. Social media plays a huge part o...