Class 8- Update on Group Project
Over the last few weeks, the yellow group have decided what topic to research, what rolls everyone was doing and how we would approach the project in general. In the last blog post, I discussed the theme we decided on as a group and how we make a google drive. As a group, we decided to look into technology as a whole and how it affected us thought the years. I feel this topic hugely relates to the course and the knowledge we have gained from the course will hugely benefit our research.
Once we picked our topic we broke the research into section such as opening and conclusion, past present and future. Since there is four of us in a group, someone was designated with the job of the opening and conclusion and because they didn't do as much research like the rest of the group, they began gathering picture and putting some of the powerpoint together. While the rest of the group focused on a pictorially heading such as "past" and began researching and collecting images.
My topic at the beginning was past technology and how it impacted us. But with a little miss communication, one of the girls from the group accidentally did my topic. This could be a small problem that comes from communicating over social media rather than in person. I feel when you discuss certain things in person you tend to remember it more rather than on social media but This wasn't a major problem because I lucky hadn't started researching so I just began researching her topic which was the impact of present-day technology.
As a group, we are at the stage where we are finishing up our presentation and are just adding the finishing touches such as preparing our powerpoint and working on the order we would speak in. As a group, I feel we worked well. Everyone was nice and understanding about work. There wasn't any pressure to get the work done because everyone felt we would get the work completed to a high standered. As a whole, I feel my group worked well together and we consummated very well.
posted 18/12/2019
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